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This month's featured product:

These beautiful photos of Tilly and Sandra Hagan, one time student and now one of my much loved staff members and mentors, is by Jo Thieme Photography.

It turns out that to be REALLY good with horses it takes a willingness to explore doing things differently. When you realize how good you can be with horses and life itself when you're willing to explore doing things differently, it will blow your mind too.

Join our live seminars and start experiencing it for yourself:

Decades ago, I spat the dummy. Literally plucked an imaginary dummy out of my mouth (that's a pacifier to you Americans), threw it on the ground and stamped on it. Anyone watching would have had me locked up. I was sooo over struggling. I was sooo over feeling like I was not good enough and I was sick of doing things the hard way.

All this beautiful heart centered work that cuts through to the heart of brilliant horsemanship - so fast - is the result of that dummy spit.

Our free seminar topics and podcasts are woven around happiness, healing and horses. It uses our trademark heart centered, experiential learning, which is the key to catapulting your skills and knowhow, feeling good at the same time and doing it really FAST.

The Dummy Spit Anti-struggling Revolution is where you can get the info and register to get the connection details for the seminars and the podcasts and a bunch of other "check us out" freebies at the same time.

We can be inspired by others, but when the proverbial sh*t hits the fan in our own lives, mere inspiration goes out the window and we find ourselves stressed and struggling again.


When the Truth comes welling up from the INSIDE of us, that’s when it’s a foundation for the kind of life we're looking for, no matter what’s going on around us. This book is an experience of gaining the “all the way to your bones” Truth FOR YOURSELF about how to create a wonderful life, about loving and being loved, the kind of healing other people call miracles, the sheer power of our connection with others, gobsmackingly effective conflict resolution and more.

I've chosen this world first, page by page on-line delivery system deliberately, so that as you click through as fast or slow as you like, you're getting a steadily building EXPERIENCE of your own truth, inner peace, healing, happiness and joyful creation over 140 pages.

And I'm not talking about the airy fairy, false kind of happiness that only lasts for a short amount of time, that's conditional on other people's actions or behavior, where you have to try and think positive - where you push anything "negative" away and it comes back later, bigger than ever, to bite you on the butt.  

In "Holy shit is that really true?" we're bringing you to the kind of happiness that comes from CREATING from your heart and soul - that comes from understanding our connection to others - using your heart and soul to create a better life and a better world and knowing how to change WHATever it is that's important to each individual one of us.

Happiness is the way that you go about that creation, understanding our connection to others is the pathway to it.

And the power of it will knock your socks off.

AND it's only $25.00 

The EXPERIENCE of this book is the end of depression and anxiety. The EXPERIENCE of this book is to create or change just about anything that you care about - big or small - and unlock your joy at the same time.

Only $25.00.

You'll find over 10 years of articles about horse behavior problems, health, training, free lessons, the impact of the horse / human relationship, student spotlights, testimonials and the kind of healing that can happen when we approach our bodies in a whole'istic way.
Click here to find the latest articles.